My current project is inspired by my years in scouting, expeditions, and travels.

Michael Bellis Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary

Born in the Philippines, my first memory of anything art related was winning a medal in kindergarten for colouring the flag of the Philippines. After moving to the UK at 8 years old, I continued taking art-related subjects to university where I attempted to study Graphics Design and 3D Animation at the University of Greenwich.

Cambodia Wildlife Sanctuary

Since university, from an intern position, I worked my way to marketing manager at an advertising agency. Launched and led one of the largest, most successful Explorer Scouts units in London for 14-18-year-olds. Launched a small artisan vegan chocolate business, and met three of the dragons from Dragons Den, Peter Jones, Touker Suleyman, and Steven Bartlett.

In between my busy schedule, I found time to continue my passion for art by creating artwork as gifts or by commissions.

What artists inspire you?

William Turner for sure, Rembrandt and Monet. Quite importantly… my secondary school art teacher Mr. Doherty! He introduced me to oil paints and let me just get on with it, I immediately fell in love with the medium.

What music do you listen to while painting?
I’m a mutt! Rock, heavy metal, classical, Latin, rap to pop. Quite often I go with the flow and put on what I feel in the moment.

One of your bucket lists?

I love to explore, but at the back of my mind, what eats at me is my goal to have at least three paintings on display at the National Gallery! Three just sounds like a BIG achievement!


  • Diamond Duke of Edinburgh Award

  • Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition Assessor

  • Facebook Small Business Award

Proud member of…

Scouts logo
DofE logo
WWF logo

“Michael’s art immerses you into the environments that he recreates from his adventures.”

— David Kamailo

To enquire about an artwork or commission an artwork