Scouts has been a big influence in my life.

I first joined Scouts at 11 years old and have been a member since then. After returning from University, I discovered that my brother and sister had joined my old group, the 4th Stoke Newington. I became an assistant leader and after 2 years, I launched my own unit, Dragoons Explorer Scouts for the 14-18-year-olds section. Within 12 months, our unit grew from two to 30 members. Over 10 years as a leader, each and every one of my scouts achieved various levels of the Chief Scouts Awards and the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

Scouts, what is it? Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement employing the Scout method, a program of informal education with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports.

I’ve decided to create a series of paintings of my many adventures and expeditions from my time in Scouts.

Current artwork in progress

“Michael’s use of texture, colours, and brush strokes are so well thought out - like looking through a window!”

— Paul Southwell

To commission an artwork or if you have a query